Current works
Dance of the Ghosts in "Sign of the Strawberry", set in the beautiful ballroom of Strawberry Hill House
Would you like to be involved in an exciting new phase of development of Artemis Theatre? Well known Artistic Director, Christina invites you to enroll for the first series of workshops-classes to write, develop, and create a new production based on the Greek myth ‘Pandora’s Box’: dates to be confirmed These workshops also cover intro to Christina’s style of transformational work. There will be a nominal fee ( £10) pp for each workshop session to cover venue and other costs
This is Community Theatre giving opportunities for the more mature generation 40-80’s+: And we also want to encourage young artistes to support and join forces. (we’ll not turn away anyone enthusiastic)
So, whether you are or have been professional, been involved in amateur productions, or never done anything like this but always longed to be part of a creative theatre team, come and find out how you can be involved. Artemis is offering something quite different, innovative and potentially transforming. With a background success of over 13 productions, we’re not an amateur company, or a traditional theatre company, although we benefit from a professional focus; So commitment is necessary by becoming a member.
Stage 1; Send an email and tell us how you would love to be involved. Please enclose CV. Enroll on the first set of workshops. Bring along those skills, talents you have already or long to develop; (see the website pages, ‘Get involved’) We want your enthusiasm and we will encourage you to fulfill your dreams and creative potential!
It’s never too late!
Stage 2. Dates to be scheduled. We will continue with auditions/ interviews for ‘Pandora’ followed by rehearsals with performances in September. We will improvise ideas to devise a new production; building teams, writing, costume design, stage management, sets, sound, music devised, and performance to stage developed by the Artemisian community. The creative process is quite unique and exciting in that members will be learning, even training and progressing through experience. This will be under the expertise of Christina Artemis as Director with support from other professionals in the business.
Stage 3: Bringing it all together through final rehearsals.
Aim to put the Production on for family, friends and possibly the public arena in 2019
Future plans include:
Sending our successful ‘Vagina Monologues’ Production out on tour
Auditions and workshops followed by Summer school for young people to develop a new play called ‘The Goblin Queen’ to be performed during Halloween week 2019
A Foundation course training for Mature students
Re- starting up the new Actors Company
Finding permanent premises for Artemis Performance Arts
Get in contact today if you would like to find out more or come along and